
Catering at Buckler’s Mead Academy has moved in house and offers a selection of meal options on a three weekly rotation.

The catering team understand the important connection between a healthy diet and a student's ability to learn effectively and develop well in all areas of the school curriculum. To support this, the catering team have created a menu that is healthy and nutritious, suiting all needs and tastes.

We recognise that some students may have allergies or require special diets, so if you have any concerns, or need further information or advice, please contact the school.

The current menu can be seen in the link below, though please note that this can be subject to change depending upon the availability of raw ingredients and what is in season. Some of our freshly cooked main meals need to be pre-ordered – if your child would like one of these meals please could they ask one of our Kitchen staff as early as possible and they will be pleased to help.

Those students entitled to a free school meal will have £3.20 (from 1st September 2023) to spend at lunch service each day. This provides a main meal, drink, and either fruit or dessert.  Please note that any unspent amounts are not carried forward to subsequent days. There is also a free to use water cooler in the Refectory, available to all students. 

We encourage all eligible families to apply for Free School Meals (FSM). As well as the reassurance that an eligible student is receiving a healthy, nutritious meal every day, FSM eligibility can also open up other avenues of financial support. 

To see if your child is eligible for Free School Meals please click here .

To support the Trust’s policy on maintaining cashless schools, all purchases in the Refectory  need to be made via a student’s catering account with funds credited via ParentPay. Any parent who requires a reminder of the initial details required to set up their ParentPay facility should email , and we shall be pleased to reissue your codes. 

An app is available to further support the school's catering - please search for ''Till App'' via Apple App Store or Google Play; you will require a smartphone to access this app. After registering for the app, please email the school ( and request that the required 16 digit code be sent to you. Once you have input this code into Till App, you will have sight of what your child has purchased in the canteen, how much has been spent and the level of remaining funds. There is also the option to set a daily spend limit via the app - when the limit is reached you will receive a notification to ensure you're aware. This will not prevent your child from making further purchases, but will give you visibility of exactly what is being spent. 

If you have any queries regarding the Trust's Catering Facilities, your child's catering balance, or items they have purchased, please email . Please give details of your child's name and state they attend Buckler's Mead Academy.


You can make payments at a time convenient to you, even when the school is closed. It’s safe and secure to use; you have your own private account and balances can be viewed at any time. There is less or no need for students to bring cash onto the Academy site.

If you do not have access to the internet, it will still be possible to pay for trips, resources and food etc with cash or cheques.

To log in to ParentPay click here.


Autumn Menu 2024

The menu operates on a three weekly rotation. 

Week 1 - weeks beginning: 2nd September, 23rd September, 14th October

Week 2 - weeks beginning: 9th September, 30th September, 21st October

Week 3 - weeks beginning: 16th September, 7th October